22nd August 2010

Herne Bay Open.
Doubles Competition at the Share and Coulter with guaranteed £100 first prize.
Entry reduced to £10.00 per team.
BBQ is £5.00 per head
Plate Competition sponsored by T M Glazing Services
Wine Raffle
Pre-booking essential by email to robin_georgephilpott@hotmail.com

Monday, 7 December 2009

EKCPL Committee 2009/10

At the recent AGM the secretary and the treasurer both announced they wished to step down from their positions.
A new committee was voted in, and now comprises

Jenny Skudder (Chair)
01843 862788

Les Taylor (Scores Secretary)
01227 792005

Jason Flynn (Treasurer)
07772 901524

Robert Sheridan (Secretary and Press Officer)
07869 363833

Alan Martin (League Coach)
01227 274330

Norman Ellsom

Chris Rowden

Thursday, 8 October 2009


Thanks to all the people who have taken the time to complete the little survey that we told you about. The results are very interesting, even the really bizarre ones, and the findings have been really helpful.