22nd August 2010

Herne Bay Open.
Doubles Competition at the Share and Coulter with guaranteed £100 first prize.
Entry reduced to £10.00 per team.
BBQ is £5.00 per head
Plate Competition sponsored by T M Glazing Services
Wine Raffle
Pre-booking essential by email to robin_georgephilpott@hotmail.com

Friday, 6 August 2010

Herne Bay Open Doubles Competition - 22nd August 2010

The Herne Bay open Doubles Competition is on 22nd August as the traditional Hoverspeed triples at Manston is not being held this year.

Entry is now reduced to £10.00 per team and there will be an Barbeque on offer at £5.00 per head, and a wine raffle.

Wining team prize is a guaranteed £100.00 and there'll be a Plate Competition sponsored by T M Glazing Services.

It looks like being another great event and you won't want to miss it, and you can register online by clicking here